Sunday's Serenade

In golden rays, the Sunday sun does rise,

A day of rest, a gift in azure skies.

Nature's embrace, a gentle, warm caress,

Unfurls its splendor, tender to impress.


The birds take flight, a chorus in the air,

Their melodies a joy beyond compare.

Amongst the blooms, the breeze does softly play,

As nature dances in its sweet display.


Families gather, hearts and laughter blend,

Cherishing moments, time they gladly spend.

With open arms, the Sunday's arms enfold,

A respite from the world's relentless hold.


In tranquil hours, reflections find their place,

As souls seek solace, finding inner grace.

A moment to reset, to be reborn,

 In Sunday's cradle, worries are outworn.


So let us savor this divine reprieve,

In Sunday's embrace, we find relief.

With grateful hearts, we cherish and adore,

This sacred day, a treasure to explore.


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